Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chapter 1: The Power of a Positive You

Wow. This chapter is true and evident in our lives. How many times have we complained about something going on around us and stayed in that mental rut? The power we have within ourselves is mighty and great! One of my favorite excerpts from this chapter is, "It is vital for you to understand you can choose your own thinking. You may be in a habit of merely thinking whatever falls into your mind, but you are now in the process of retraining your mind one thought at a time. As you learn to think as God thinks it enables Him to partner with you in accomplishing whatever you need to accomplish." (Meyer, 2010).

One of the questions posed in this section looks at what our most important thought or attitude that we feel needs to changed in our life. That for me would be changing my average thoughts to superior thoughts. Instead of looking at my present to define or guide my thinking into what I can build for the future; allow my mind to go to greater heights. To imagine and think of what some would consider impossible or less likely to happen. In my career; I have a huge goal, which from time to time, I cannot see how it will be accomplished. All praises go to God because although I cannot figure out how to get there exactly; I have not let the idea leave me. Training the mind is the starting point.

As I read through the rules. I was challenged by #1 and #3. For me controlling my attitude internally is where I fall. I can adjust the exterior some times...but those inner feelings..thats a whole 'nother challenge to conquer. I will practice reminding myself of what God has done for me during this time in order to maintain a good attitude. Also meditating on how no one is perfect and being mindful on how I can matters all the worse while having a bad attitude during the storm. Rule #4 helps to guide me through this challenge. Interesting enough, rule #3 has been looming in my life recently. I have made some pretty terrible decisions during storms and found that I should have just waited to do so until my mind was back in order. I am a spontaneous type of person however when in the storm, Ive had to check myself and not make any moves.

As far as #2, #4, and #5...I live by those already! Hallelujah! God put me through some tough (at least in my mind) situations which allowed me to learn the lessons. There have been countless occassions where bad things happened to only realize that it eventually did go away. As I enter every storm, Im always assured that, it wont last will go away, and I have to make the best of life through it all! I have never seen God move so much in all my life!!! Following rule #4 has kept me so wrapped up in Him. Although, I don't do what's right all the time, I still stay of my fav scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not to your own understanding. Seek God in all your ways and He shall direct your paths". There's nothing I do that He doesnt know about! I always say, Id rather be with Him than without...its a cold world out there. And as far as rule #5, I had a business teacher once that said, the answer is "it depends". That to me is putting things into perspective. Although it may look one way, well depending on the nature of the situation things change..therefore it all depends on something else. I almost think too much perspective isnt good based on the expectations of others. Some like solid gray area.

Points of Discussion:
1. Which rules have you conquered?
2. Which rules do you need push harder towards?
3. Based on this chapter; is focusing on being a positive a difficult or easy task for you?


  1. One thing I noticed as I wrote the post; was that its so easy for me to respond and give advice and little challenging for me to just simply express my thoughts and feelings to others about things that I need to change in my life. Lets all collaborate to have an open mind and allow this to be an open journal in order to be free! We will not be bound by our mind nor life's challenges.

  2. Yvonne, Thank you so much for your insights and openness. I agree on making this a journal setting. I’m surprised at how long my responses were to the questions!

    As I looked over the rules and evaluated my growth, I notice a few areas that God has personally walked me through. I’ll start with Rule #2 “Realize the rough times won’t last forever” I love that Joyce Meyer reminds us of James 1:2-3. The Message version reads “Consider it a sheer gift, friends when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows you its true colors. So don’t try and get out of anything pre-maturely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way”. These words ring so true in my spirit. When I look back, I see the ways God has further developed me through “rough times”. It’s not only sculpted my reliance on Him, but the pressure has tested my progress. I work to keep my mind set during these challenges. I understand that that pressure will produce a complete, more mature, better developed perspective.

    I believe by God’s grace that I’ve also conquered Rule #3 “Don’t make major decisions during a storm”. I typically avoid making important choices during a storm because I’m usually somewhat emotionally compromised. Making any weighty decision during a challenge can result in me allowing my emotions to dictate the next step rather than the Word. I’ve learned to stay clear and get a sober mind before stepping out into anything major. Sometimes I think the emotions that come along with the storm are part of the process too. Psalm 7:9-11 reminds me that “God probes for our soft spots and knocks off our rough edges”. I’d rather have God probe all my soft spots and clear all those rough edges before I make any serious decision!

    The last area I think I’m doing much better at is Rule #5 “Try to keep things in perspective”. God just recently schooled me on this topic as I find myself approaching thirty. At the start of the year my preconceived notions were working overtime. I was adding up all the things I should have by this juncture (marriage, kids, an advanced degree, a more prominent career) and realizing I didn’t have most of the things on my list. My perspective was so hijacked by the “world’s timeline” that I completely lost track of God’s sovereign timeline. I thank the Lord for bringing me back from the edge and renewing my mind! In Jeremiah 29:11 God says “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out - plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for”. When I realize God has it all under control it helps to keep everything in perspective.

    Areas that I need to push harder towards are Rule #1 “Maintain the right attitude when the going gets rough and Rule #4 “Stay in touch with the control tower”. I pray that God will help me to maintain a better attitude in every area of my life. I need His influence especially when challenges are right in front of me. I also pray for a renewed focus and commitment in seeking his presence. I need God’s help to stay hungry for his perspective. The implementation of these five guidelines will make positive thinking and living much more obtainable.

  3. I completely feel your entry. Through past experiences I really gained a strong insight as to what it means to not make pre-mature decisions. I think I am even in that place right now in life. There are steps I would like to take and I am resting on God's promises and leaning on His Word to get through to my next place in life. I feel like I am in the midst of some sort of change now. Although on the outside everything looks normal my inner self is going through an indescribable change. Its not a bad feeling or nothing that excites me...I can just tell changes are occuring. Im pretty much riding the wave right now. I think its the pressure that Eb referred to and I am praying and being patient for this mature better developed person.

    As we continue in our discussions I think that we should pray for one another to support where we desire to be in God. Let's keep eachother lifted and watch God's will come to life.

  4. Thank you for relating. It makes such a difference when we can connect as sisters who encourage each other in the Word! I think these are required seasons of growth that are prepping us for what’s next. In some cases it’s an internal pressure while in others in may be an exposed challenge. I agree with you Yvonne, my pressure always seems to be the type that nags my thoughts, feelings and inner workings. Thank the Lord that these “faith tests” are open book!
